Filled oven mushrooms

/, Recipes/Filled oven mushrooms

Filled oven mushrooms

Time: 25 minutes

Country: Belgium

Created by: I. Willems

Number persons: 4


250 gr huge white mushrooms
1 pack creamy herbal cheese
1 onion
50 grams of smoked bacon (eventually)
1 clove of garlic, squeezed (eventually)
olive oil
2 spoons grated cheese


  1. Pre-heat oven 200 degrees Celsius.
  2. Clean mushroom (if soil is on with tissue or brush) and take stemp from the mushroomhead.
  3. Cut onion, mushroom stemps and bacon.
  4. Fry together in olive oil.
  5. Reduce fire and add creamy cheese.
  6. Take of the fire and cool.
  7. Fill mushroomheads with cream and add grated cheese on top.
  8. Put filled mushrooms in oven for 15 minutes.
  9. Take from oven, serve directly and enjoy!
2016-12-28T12:08:59+01:00February 13th, 2015|